Our Work
We are a grassroots group dedicated to learning, sharing, and revitalizing ililîmowin, also known as Cree L-dialect or Moose Cree. We work primarily from a virtual platform, with our three coordinators having roots in Kapuskasing, Moose Factory and Missanabie territories.
In 2020, our group started because we were looking for other ililîmowin speakers and learners to meet and learn with. Over time, our group grew and we began holding regular ililîmowin language nights online. These sessions resulted in the production of language learning resources that we are happy to share with other ililîmowin learners (see Resources).
Now, we offer support and resources to anyone interested in learning ililîmowin, regardless of where they live.

About Us: The Coordinators
We are not fluent speakers and do not consider ourselves teachers, but rather coordinators. As coordinators, we decided to organize a space where learners could connect with each other, share resources, ask questions, and seek support for their language learning journey.
Terrence Sutherland
Terrence has heard ililîmowin most of his life and it is his first language. Due to living away from his home place of Moose Factory at an early age, he inevitably lost connection with ililîmowin. Terrence uses his familiarity with the language to ensure fellow learners pronounce ililîmowin pehtâkosiwina correctly.
Brad Nolan
Brad is currently living in his home territory on Missanabie Cree First Nation again, raising his family on the land and speaking ililîmowin. He takes pride in serving his community through cultural and language work, and enjoys challenging himself to learn as much as ililîmowin as he can.
Ricki-Lynn Achilles
Ricki-Lynn grew up in Kapuskasing, and is passionate about helping people reconnect with their languages. She has over ten years of education in and work experience with Indigenous language revitalization and language education.
Our Beliefs
We started the ILR Moose Cree project (now called ILR by aaniskohtaaw) to help support and connect with other ililîmowin learners. The following beliefs are a reflection of our individual experiences as both coordinators and learners, and they guide our conduct and decision-making at aaniskohtaaw.
We are all learners
Everyone learns at a different pace and style. The coordination team understands and supports this. The virtual classes and in-person workshops are conducted at a pace that fits the collective while supporting the individual. The content is the focus, while the task is to have each learner experience it in a way that is helpful to them.